Saturday, 25 January 2014
Good wishes and best of luck on the
Republic Day - The day the Constitution of India came into effect
Thursday, 23 January 2014
A Short Story on Self Confidence
by Stephen on September 2, 2013 · 50 comments
Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.
Suddenly an old man appeared before him. ”I can see that something is troubling you,” he said.
After listening to the executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.”
He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.”
Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come.
The business executive saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world!
“I can erase my money worries in an instant!” he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the uncashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.
With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.
Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.
“I’m so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s always escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.”
And she led the old man away by the arm.
The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he’d been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him.
Suddenly, he realized that it wasn’t the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.
Author Unknown
Story submitted by A.Bhatia
Story submitted by A.Bhatia
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Hindi Essays : स्वतंत्रता दिवस (15 अगस्त)
Hindi Essays : स्वतंत्रता दिवस (15 अगस्त): स्वतंत्रता दिवस स्वतंत्रता दिवस का हर देश में अत्यन्त महत्व होता है। यह वही दिन होता है जो हर गुलाम देश अपनी स्वतंत्रता के दिन को पू...
सदाचार दो शब्दों के मेल से बना है सत + आचार अर्थात हमेशा अच्छा आचरण करना । सदाचार मानव को अन्य मानवों से श्रेष्ठ साबित करता है। सदाचार का गुण मानवों में महानता का गुण सृजित करता है।
मानव को समस्त जीवों में श्रेष्ठतम माना जाता है, क्योंकि मानव ने अपने विवेक और सदाचार से अपनी महानता सर्वत्र साबित की है। सदाचार का गुण व्यकित में सामाजिक वातावरण तथा पारिवारिक माहौल से उत्पन्न होता है। जो व्यकित इन गुणों को आत्मसात कर पाता है, वह समाज के लिए मार्गदर्शक और प्रेरणादायी होता है। हम इतिहास के पन्नों में झांक कर देखें तो पाते हैं कि जितने भी महापुरूष, कवि, लेखक तथा महान व्यकित उत्पन्न हुए सभी ने सदाचार के गुणों को आत्मसात किया और उसे अपने जीवन में अपनाया। आज भी स्वामी विवेकानन्द, महर्षि दयानंद सरस्वती, महात्मा गांधी, लाल बहादुर शास्त्री, अब्राहम लिंकन, कार्ल माक्र्स, मदर टेरेसा आदि को उनके सदाचारी प्रवृतित के कारण ही याद किया जाता है।
हमें अपने जीवन में सदाचार को पूरी गंभीरता से शामिल करना चाहिए। इस प्रकार हम अपने जीवन को तो श्रेष्ठ करेंगे ही, साथ ही औरों के लिए भी मार्गदर्शक और प्रेरणादायी बनेंगे। आज के युवाओं में सदाचार के गुणों का अभाव होता जा रहा है- जिससे आए दिन भ्रष्टाचार, अपराध और आपराधिक घटनाओं को बढ़ावा मिल रहा है। जिसका प्रतिकूल प्रभाव हमारे राष्ट के विकास पर भी पड़ रहा है। अत: आज के युवाओं को यह प्रण लेना चाहिए कि वे सदाचार को अपने जीवन में अपनाएंगे।
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss Essay
By sohamdekhane, Sep 2011 |
2 Pages (362 Words)
1 rating(s)
This is a Premium essay
The term 'rolling stone' commonly refers to a person who is
frequently changing his work or profession. Just as a stone that is
continually rolling doesn’t gather any moss on it, similarly a person
who is constantly changing his occupation doesn’t succeed in any
achievement. Acquisition of wealth or learning or experience requires
time and steady prolonged application of energy to some task. On the
other hand one who is constantly chopping and changing will never become
wealthy or learned or experienced. He will merely be dissipating his
energies and will get nowhere.
The popular fable of the farmer who dug many shallow wells in his farm in search of water is a fine illustration. Had he dug deep at one place, he would have definitely found water. By being ‘a rolling stone’ few people accomplish their goals. In today’s world of breakneck competition, migratory birds stand absolutely no chance. It is by working at a place, putting in constant labour that one earns a reputation and recognition.
A student who is desultory in his studies fails to achieve good grades. He loses valuable time ‘rolling’ from subject to subject, thereby mastering none. Similarly an entrepreneur, who gives up his projects halfway, wastes his efforts and money. On the contrary, a wise businessman, who sticks to the chosen venture despite the teething problems, gathers profits.
Hence it is important to do one thing at a time. If we try to do two things at once, we will be able to do neither. If a hunter pursues two hares, he is sure to miss both. We must therefore concentrate on one thing or the other. If we have several bits of work to do, we should finish one and then proceed to another. We cannot succeed if we attempt to do more than one job at the same time.
But like any other proverb, the present maxim is not without exceptions. The word ‘moss’ in the proverb has a negative shade. It refers to stagnation. In a world where change is synonymous to progress,... [continues]
The popular fable of the farmer who dug many shallow wells in his farm in search of water is a fine illustration. Had he dug deep at one place, he would have definitely found water. By being ‘a rolling stone’ few people accomplish their goals. In today’s world of breakneck competition, migratory birds stand absolutely no chance. It is by working at a place, putting in constant labour that one earns a reputation and recognition.
A student who is desultory in his studies fails to achieve good grades. He loses valuable time ‘rolling’ from subject to subject, thereby mastering none. Similarly an entrepreneur, who gives up his projects halfway, wastes his efforts and money. On the contrary, a wise businessman, who sticks to the chosen venture despite the teething problems, gathers profits.
Hence it is important to do one thing at a time. If we try to do two things at once, we will be able to do neither. If a hunter pursues two hares, he is sure to miss both. We must therefore concentrate on one thing or the other. If we have several bits of work to do, we should finish one and then proceed to another. We cannot succeed if we attempt to do more than one job at the same time.
But like any other proverb, the present maxim is not without exceptions. The word ‘moss’ in the proverb has a negative shade. It refers to stagnation. In a world where change is synonymous to progress,... [continues]
8th std-opposite words
1 | midnight *day | 24 | forward *backward | 47 | brave *coward |
2 | upward *downward | 25 | long *short | 48 | cruel *kind |
3 | motion *rest | 26 | large *small | 49 | create *destroy |
4 | changeful *constant | 27 | decide *waver | 50 | danger *safe |
5 | light *dark | 28 | indecend *decend | 51 | death *birth |
6 | happy *unhappy | 29 | displeasure*pleasure | 52 | doubt *sure |
7 | day *night | 30 | funny *boring | 53 | defeat *victory |
8 | glad *sad | 31 | common *royal | 54 | damp *dry |
9 | best *worst | 32 | annoyed *pleased | 55 | formal dress*casual dress |
10 | fresh *stale | 33 | beautiful *ugly | 56 | annoying *pleasing |
11 | light *heavy | 34 | formal *informal | 57 | madom *sir |
12 | strong *weak | 35 | important *unimportant | 58 | wet *dry |
13 | high *low | 36 | last *first | 59 | usually *rarely |
14 | brave *timid | 37 | bright *dull | 60 | interesting*boring |
15 | hard soft | 38 | real *imaginary | 61 | option *compulsion |
16 | perfect *imperfect | 39 | poor *rich | 62 | planned *unplanned |
17 | most *least | 40 | tall *short | 63 | unique *common |
18 | love *hate | 41 | expensive *cheap | 64 | frequent *rare |
19 | hope *despair | 42 | unkind *kind | 65 | up *down |
20 | life *death | 43 | bad *good | 66 | thin *fat |
21 | instantly *slowly | 44 | young *old | 67 | worried *relaxed |
22 | fit *unfit | 45 | careless *careful | 68 | outstanding*average |
23 | quietly *loudly | 46 | better *worse | 69 | ordinary *special |
70 | able *unable | 93 | foreign *native | 116 | earn *lose |
71 | balance *unbalance | 94 | good *bad | 117 | strange *normal |
72 | complete *incomplete | 95 | glad *sad | 118 | dried *wet |
73 | definite *indefinit | 96 | gentle *rough | 119 | desperately *hopefully |
74 | even *uneven | 97 | grieve * rejoice | 120 | narrow *wide |
75 | ancient *modern | 98 | guilty *ignore | 121 | loudly *softly |
76 | active passing | 99 | guilty *innocent | 122 | away *near |
77 | asleep *awake | 100 | male female | 123 | strange *familiar |
78 | always *never | 101 | now *then | 124 | like dislike |
79 | departure*arrival | 102 | send *receive | 125 | broad *narrow |
80 | accept *nrglect,reject | 103 | remove *insert | 126 | patient *impatient |
81 | bright *dark | 104 | possible *impossible | 127 | agree *disagree |
82 | benefit *lose | 105 | appear *disappear | 128 | guide misguide |
83 | bless *curse | 106 | willingly *unwillingly | 129 | encourage *discourage |
84 | divine *evil | 107 | optional *compulsory | 130 | cloudy *clear |
85 | end *beginning | 108 | oral *written | 131 | satisfied *discontent |
86 | entry *exit | 109 | orderly *disorderly | 132 | uneasy *comfortable |
87 | everything*nothing | 110 | outcast *favorite | 133 | poverty *richness |
88 | fail *pass | 111 | rescue *capture | 134 | protect *forsake |
89 | few *many | 112 | angel *devil | 135 | happy *unhappy |
90 | finally *initially | 113 | calm *anger | 136 | misfortune *fortune |
91 | false *true | 114 | economical *expensive | 137 | arrange *rearrange |
92 | forget *remember | 115 | early *late | 138 | like *dislike |
9th-std-difficult words
One inch Tall |
worm-a small,thin,long creature with no legs or bones. |
Crumb-a very small piece of dry food. |
Flea-a small jumping insect that bites and sucks blood. |
Beast-a large or dangerous animal. |
Fluff-a small piece of wool or cotton. |
Thimble-a small metal or plastic object to wear on the |
Surf-to ride on waves as a sport. |
Sink-a large open container in the kitchen vessels. |
The lighter way of life laughter |
Sales representative-a person who is appointed to sale |
Administrative-relative organisation of a business. |
Antique-very old ,ancient. |
Genie-a spirit with magic power lives in bottle. |
Speedboat-a motorboat that |
Relaxing-living comfortably. |
Poof-expression used to suggest sudden appearance or |
A-6 |
City slicker-a person living in a big city. |
Several-more than two or three. |
Cut off-made shorter. |
Politician-a person who works in politics. |
Demonstrate-to prove. |
Caring-feeling or showing care. |
Inmates-the persons living in |
Warden-Here,a person who has the charge of prison. |
Mess-a room where prisoners eat their meals. |
Guys-friends |
Duty conscious-having feeling or knowledge of duty. |
rang-telephoned. |
1.3 The tiger and the dried persimmons |
Persimmon-a soft orange coloured fruit that looks like a |
Tremble-shake slightly because nervous or fear. |
Desperately-very much. |
Flickering-shining frequently |
Pay no heed-pay no attention |
Crouch down-put your body close to the ground. |
Muttered-said something in low,difficult to hear. |
creature-anything that is living. |
Deuce-a word that show anger. |
Ferocious-fierce. |
Taken aback-shocked or surprised. |
Drooping-bending or moving downwards. |
Seized-took in hand using force. |
Relieved-removed un unpleasant feeling or pain. |
2.1 unit two A world of Machines |
Tragedy-a very sad situation or event. |
Voicemail-an electronic system that stores messages. |
Fax machine-a special machine that sends documents. |
Website-a place connected to the internet. |
Galore-in plenty. |
Survive-continue to live or exist. |
Menu-list of possible choices. |
Get back to basics-get back to simple or most ideas. |
Cold metal box-a computer without emotions. |
Commune-share emotions without speaking. |
2.2 Yummy but harmful! |
Yummy-good to eat,delicious. |
Harmful-causing damage to persons health |
permissible-acceptable according to the law. |
Salivate-produce more saliva in your mouth. |
Dye-a substance that change colour |
Toxicology-study of poisons. |
Are flooded with-are available in large numbers. |
Consumed-eaten or drunk. |
Candy floss-a type of sweet,served on a stick. |
Branded-made by well-known company. |
Beverages-drinks other than water. |
Mouth freshners-things that makes the mouth clean. |
Exceed-to be greater than a particular amount. |
Intake-the amount of food that you take your body. |
Prescribed-decided by rule or law. |
Additive-a substance that mix in food to give colour. |
Containments-the acts of keepimg in control. |
Reputed-very famous. |
Flouters-having no respect for law. |
prohibited-not allowd by law. |
Respectively-as per order mentioned |
Tartrazine-yellow colour. |
Irritability-the state of getting annoyed. |
Neuroscience-the science deals structure of brain. |
Neurotoxic-affecting nervous systet |
Impair-damage or weaken. |
Follow-up -to take further action. |
regulate-to control by using laws or rules. |
Nutrition-the science that deals with healthy food. |
2.3 What is Internet? |
Potential-qualities that exist and can be developed. |
Contraction-short form. |
Communication-the act of sharing exchanging ideas. |
Server-supplies information to several computer. |
Access-a way of entering . |
Cable-a set of electric wires. |
Dedicated-used particular purpose only. |
Geteway-a means of getting. |
PC-personal computer. |
CPU-central processing unit. |
UPS-uninterrupted power supply. |
CD-compact disc. |
DVD-digital versatile (video)disc. |
VCD-video compact disc. |
USB-universal serial bus. |
Internet-a computer system that exchange information |
Electronic mail-the mail sent through computer. |
Interchangeably-can be exchanged. |
Unique-being the only one of this type. |
Browser-a computer programme to look words ,picture |
Web page-the documents connected to the web. |
Accessible-easy to approach. |
Unit - 3 Environment |
3.1 Growth of a tree |
Maple-a tree grown for timber. |
Be way up-move regularly to higher position. |
Altitude-height above the sea level. |
Bark-the hard outer covering of a tree. |
Fall-the season of a year trees lose their leaves,sharad. |
Spring-the leaves on plants begin to grow ,wasant. |
3.2 why the evergreen trees never lose its leaves. |
Berries-small soft fruits with seeds. |
Birch tree-a small with smooth thin branches. |
Oak tree-a large tree with hard wood and bitter fruits. |
Boughs-large branches coming from trunk of tree. |
Springtime-season between winter and summer. |
Acorn-nut of the oak tree. |
Willow tree-a kind of tree with tiny easily-bent branch. |
Spruce tree-a kind of fir tree. |
Thickest-having strong heavy body. |
Pine tree-evergreen tree with needle like leaves. |
Frolic-play and move around in a lively happy mood. |
3.3 Meeting an Elephant |
Tusker-a large elephant with tusks. |
Womb-where a baby grows before it is born. |
Gestation period-the period of time a baby develops. |
Mammals-the animals that feed their babies from breast |
Enormous-very big. |
Tusk-pointed cuurled tooth of an elephant. |
Vegetarian-a person who does not eat meat. |
Gregariously-in a way of living in groups. |
Devastated-that is completely destroyed. |
Unbelievable-that cannot be believed |
Predator-an animal that kills and eats other animals. |
Prey-an animal that is killed by another animal. |
Ivory-the hard white substance makes elephants tusks. |
Fascinate-attract,somebody very much. |
Dreadfully-extremely. |
Persecuted-treated in a cruel way. |
Poacher-a person who hunts animals illegally. |
Massacre-kill people in a cruelly, large numbers |
Imbalance-absence of balance. |
Extinction-situation,an animal stops exisiting. |
Inhabited-lived in a particular place. |
Existence-the state of living. |
Habitat-the place where a particular animal is found. |
Stronghold-a place that is very difficult to attack. |
Sole survivors-th animals saved from difficult,and living. |
Shrunk-made or became smaller. |
varied-having many different kinds. |
Ancestors-family members lived a long time before. |
Roam-travelled without any particular aim. |
Intersected-met or crossed each other. |
Fragments-small pieces that come from large. |
Poaching-act of hunting animals illegally. |
4.1 A Teacher for All Seasons. |
Nurture-look after and protect while growing. |
Sprout-a new part that grows on a plant or tree. |
Sunny-cheerful and happy . |
Temperament-a persons character affects way he feels. |
Discontent-the state of being unhappy. |
Crisp-quick and clear. |
Snowing hard-heavy snowfall. |
Warm-friendly. |
Attitude-the way that you feel or behave. |
Gratitude-the feeling of being grateful. |
4.2 The Sadhu of Modern India. |
Sage-a wise man. |
A mendicant-a person who lives by asking alms. |
Renounce-formally say don,t to have something |
Welfare-well-being |
Profound-very good. |
Disciplinarian-a person who strictly observes discipline. |
Armed with -necessary things for fighting. |
Transformation-change of form. |
Philistine-a person with rough fighting nature. |
Despised-used to hate |
Segregation-the act of separating people,different way. |
Underprivileged-people have less money&opportunity. |
Avidly-very eagerly. |
Was awed-experienced feeling of respect &fear. |
Adolescence-the period of between man &child. |
Sojourn-temporary stay away from home. |
Clients-who receives advice from professional person |
Pittance-small amount receives as wages. |
Life-defining--which explain nature of ones life. |
Inequities--injustice. |
Could not stomach--could not bear. |
imprison--put somebody in prison, to arrest. |
aftermath-outcome,result of some bad event. |
to shun -to avoid something. |
downtrodden-who deprived of their rights. |
celibacy-the state of remaining unmarried. |
influenced- was very impressed |
unconditionally--without putting any condition. |
untouchable- person of lowest castes in indian. |
vanquish -defeat somebody completely. |
part - 2 |
the turning point-an important change takes place. |
huddled- a person held arms and legs. |
rags---piece of old,torn cloth. |
recoiled-move quickly with fear. |
instantly--immediately. |
maggots-larva,young insects before wings and legs. |
self-loathing --strong feeling of hatred for oneself |
irrevocable--that can not be changed. |
devil--demon |
extensively -----vastly |
leprosy-a chronic disease affecting skin;tissues,nerves. |
leper-a person infected with leprosy. |
medication--treatment with drugs. |
sustenance--providing needed in order to live or exist |
Monday, 20 January 2014
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