Your Inspirational Poems
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Draw Inspiration 

Listen to your heart, Follow your dreams, Don't look for anything else, Just forget unnecessary things. Live Life to its fullest, And enjoy every …
I Quit

I quit from the sickness of narrow mind I quit from meanness of bright lamps I quit from darkness of wavering clamp I quit from obsolete dirt that …
Crying Baby - Please Stop.

What is the point? To make such a big hue and cry Check inside your heart And see what you fried You shall reap What you have sowed Nobody …
Finding Your Destiny

If you feel like a failure don't be. Because somewhere out there is your destiny. Your destiny could be to fulfill your dreams which is …
Gettin on the Right Track of Life

Life as it is, is very confusing. We go through a setback which is not amusing. But if we choose the right path to take, I know we made the right …
Wonderful and Powerful Woman

it took courage to conquer the march it took wisdom to plan this big step it took faith to march against such oppression it took unconditional love …
There Is No Season

There is no season, For you my friend. Because our friendship Will never end...! Summer or Spring, Winter or Fall, I want you in my life, During …
A Great Teacher

A loving, helpful,pleasing creature, Do you know she is our teacher! Trying her best to make us shine, Oh! she is surely divine! She is a strong …
Bring Some Joy

Bring some joy into someone's life, And you will be blessed from above, Because God knows what you have done, And it was all done with love. It's …
Set An Example

It's always good to set an example, To be an inspiration each day, To be going down the right path in life, And starting to do it today. When you …
My Life

Why I ask You pick me to do your nasty deeds, you have never loved me, I know this for all the things you did to me, I loved you so much, never asking …

When You Were Born, The World Rejoiced To Hear You Cry, Live Your Life In Such A Way That, When You Depart, The World Cries and You Rejoice....

As I face each new day I wonder what God would say Is He pleased with my life Or have I fostered strife. Are my words seasoned with salt For …

there and here i was there and here im lost there and here life worst
A LOVE Story

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it …

Two eyes I am born with The one on my face And the one in my mind. The one on my face has limits. Well it is okay for it to have limits. But if it …
My favourite success poems

Here are two poems I thought to pass on, one I think you have already its from Napoleon Hill's book - Think and Grow rich ( my small bible!). " I bargained …
Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you are trudging seems all uphill, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care …
Never Give Up

Never give up when things go wrong, keep your heads up and you will be strong. Life is a lesson that we need to learn, as long as we believe what's …
My choice

My feelings - Unknown The time I loose my respect in the world, My heart broken my mind thrashed, I feel like a fish writhing here and ther …
whatever happens in life face it with a smile though the angel of death come and get
Something's Coming Up Not rated yet
Far in the darkness, I see the light There is still a hope of light I run towards it to grab and hold More brighter it becomes on my approach Cool …
Moving forward Not rated yet
I've been through a lot They've tried to bring me down They've played their negative part But I'm moving forward Yes.. I tried to give-up But I …
Make It Count Not rated yet
Make every day count, Make every hour count, Make every action count, Make energy count. Do everything the best way possible,the first time Distinguish …
Click here to write your own.
Serenity Not rated yet
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!
Be Optimistic Not rated yet
Be optimistic in your life, Believe that things will go your way, And if you need a little help, Take some time and pray. You need to have positive …
Love for Love Not rated yet
Love for love, some love for money, some love for beauty, some love for pleasure, but I love because I love. they that I love, do not love me. they …
Give Your Dreams Life Not rated yet
We all have wishes, but, only those that give theirs wings; fly in the sky, Those who give their wishes mast; See them sail on the high sea, And, …
Search of Meaning Not rated yet
It have help me to find my ways in life not to wait of my success to come true.
Hard Work, Commitment , Passion Always Deserve A Reward Not rated yet
The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimists. Cultivate your own garden, nurture it. Passion is driven by Love and the more time …
A New Year's Poem Not rated yet
Another year has passed, And a new year is about to begin, Everything you put your mind to, Will be accomplished and you will win. Just look forward …
Don't Dwell on Things Not rated yet
Don't dwell on things that have happened, Try to move on with your life, Because if you do you will see, You won't have a lot of strife. What has …
The Question Not rated yet
The question is not "can I accomplish this?" It is "how am I motivated to accomplish this?" Self motivation and peer motivation alone only get you …
Wishes Not rated yet
There's a golden door which no one has opened. It is a room filled with wishes which people can ask for. If you open this door and just …
Having Faith In Yourself Not rated yet
Have faith in what you do because your dreams may come true Don't doubt yourself that you're a failure, just believe and be a believer. …
Wake Up To Your Dream Not rated yet
Wake up today and touch the sky, Wake up knowing the world is at your finger tips, Wake up as the sun rises and sets, Wake up knowing that the unseen …
Being Strong Not rated yet
You need to be strong when things go wrong, Lift yourself up and don't give up, Be a fighter not a quitter, you're a survivor not a loser. Things …
Watch! Watch!! Watch!!! Not rated yet
Watch your thoughts
Success is a Journey Not rated yet
I Want a make my own path to walk on it I also want make some my career but I have one problem That problem stop me to go on a way of success
I used to, but now Not rated yet
I used to have a family that cared about me, but now they just think I am a nobody. I used to have many friends that I could trust, but now I only have …
Look Your Best Not rated yet
Look your best each day, Be proud of what you wear, Because when you are everyone will see, Just how very much you care. Looking your best makes …
My School Days Not rated yet
Of this long life that passes away, I will remember these wonderful days, They are most beautiful in every way, Yes, they are my school days! ThoughI …
Things work out Not rated yet
Just because things are not working out the way you expect them to Does not mean they are not working out...
My Prayer for You Not rated yet
Receive God's Word Believe God's Word Profess your sins Confess your sins Preach God's Word Reach God's people Amen
CLIMB THE LADDER Not rated yet
Climb the ladder to success, You're hard work will be worth your while, And when you see what the outcome will bring, You'll have a great big smile. …
Things Not rated yet
If they are there you pay a fortune to fetch them When not within reach you attract them If not existing you create them They are not meant to be followed …
A Poem For Mama Not rated yet
mama.. You scolded me often I hated you As I grow up I started to see your burden eyes through your rough voice I know You are not what you expressed …
When I just brushed HIM aside Not rated yet
I rushed to the temple Knowing it was closing time There a beggar stopped me, may be for alms I brushed him aside as quick with my left arm Well, …
Damaged Tree Not rated yet
You hold my hand and comfort me, while I cry to be set free. I refuse to turn and walk away, here I stand and disobey. While my flesh puts up a …
Click here to write your own.
Success Not rated yet
99.9% of success is failure.
Iyot Tah Not rated yet
The dangerous people are not the ones Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns! The thief won't attack your character traits Or belittle your abilities …
Click here to write your own.

Listen to your heart, Follow your dreams, Don't look for anything else, Just forget unnecessary things. Live Life to its fullest, And enjoy every …
I Quit

I quit from the sickness of narrow mind I quit from meanness of bright lamps I quit from darkness of wavering clamp I quit from obsolete dirt that …
Crying Baby - Please Stop.

What is the point? To make such a big hue and cry Check inside your heart And see what you fried You shall reap What you have sowed Nobody …
Finding Your Destiny

If you feel like a failure don't be. Because somewhere out there is your destiny. Your destiny could be to fulfill your dreams which is …
Gettin on the Right Track of Life

Life as it is, is very confusing. We go through a setback which is not amusing. But if we choose the right path to take, I know we made the right …
Wonderful and Powerful Woman

it took courage to conquer the march it took wisdom to plan this big step it took faith to march against such oppression it took unconditional love …
There Is No Season

There is no season, For you my friend. Because our friendship Will never end...! Summer or Spring, Winter or Fall, I want you in my life, During …
A Great Teacher

A loving, helpful,pleasing creature, Do you know she is our teacher! Trying her best to make us shine, Oh! she is surely divine! She is a strong …
Bring Some Joy

Bring some joy into someone's life, And you will be blessed from above, Because God knows what you have done, And it was all done with love. It's …
Set An Example

It's always good to set an example, To be an inspiration each day, To be going down the right path in life, And starting to do it today. When you …
My Life

Why I ask You pick me to do your nasty deeds, you have never loved me, I know this for all the things you did to me, I loved you so much, never asking …

When You Were Born, The World Rejoiced To Hear You Cry, Live Your Life In Such A Way That, When You Depart, The World Cries and You Rejoice....

As I face each new day I wonder what God would say Is He pleased with my life Or have I fostered strife. Are my words seasoned with salt For …

there and here i was there and here im lost there and here life worst
A LOVE Story

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it …

Two eyes I am born with The one on my face And the one in my mind. The one on my face has limits. Well it is okay for it to have limits. But if it …
My favourite success poems

Here are two poems I thought to pass on, one I think you have already its from Napoleon Hill's book - Think and Grow rich ( my small bible!). " I bargained …
Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you are trudging seems all uphill, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care …
Never Give Up

Never give up when things go wrong, keep your heads up and you will be strong. Life is a lesson that we need to learn, as long as we believe what's …
My choice

My feelings - Unknown The time I loose my respect in the world, My heart broken my mind thrashed, I feel like a fish writhing here and ther …

whatever happens in life face it with a smile though the angel of death come and get
Something's Coming Up Not rated yet
Far in the darkness, I see the light There is still a hope of light I run towards it to grab and hold More brighter it becomes on my approach Cool …
Moving forward Not rated yet
I've been through a lot They've tried to bring me down They've played their negative part But I'm moving forward Yes.. I tried to give-up But I …
Make It Count Not rated yet
Make every day count, Make every hour count, Make every action count, Make energy count. Do everything the best way possible,the first time Distinguish …
Click here to write your own.
Serenity Not rated yet
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!
Be Optimistic Not rated yet
Be optimistic in your life, Believe that things will go your way, And if you need a little help, Take some time and pray. You need to have positive …
Love for Love Not rated yet
Love for love, some love for money, some love for beauty, some love for pleasure, but I love because I love. they that I love, do not love me. they …
Give Your Dreams Life Not rated yet
We all have wishes, but, only those that give theirs wings; fly in the sky, Those who give their wishes mast; See them sail on the high sea, And, …
Search of Meaning Not rated yet
It have help me to find my ways in life not to wait of my success to come true.
Hard Work, Commitment , Passion Always Deserve A Reward Not rated yet
The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimists. Cultivate your own garden, nurture it. Passion is driven by Love and the more time …
A New Year's Poem Not rated yet
Another year has passed, And a new year is about to begin, Everything you put your mind to, Will be accomplished and you will win. Just look forward …
Don't Dwell on Things Not rated yet
Don't dwell on things that have happened, Try to move on with your life, Because if you do you will see, You won't have a lot of strife. What has …
The Question Not rated yet
The question is not "can I accomplish this?" It is "how am I motivated to accomplish this?" Self motivation and peer motivation alone only get you …
Wishes Not rated yet
There's a golden door which no one has opened. It is a room filled with wishes which people can ask for. If you open this door and just …
Having Faith In Yourself Not rated yet
Have faith in what you do because your dreams may come true Don't doubt yourself that you're a failure, just believe and be a believer. …
Wake Up To Your Dream Not rated yet
Wake up today and touch the sky, Wake up knowing the world is at your finger tips, Wake up as the sun rises and sets, Wake up knowing that the unseen …
Being Strong Not rated yet
You need to be strong when things go wrong, Lift yourself up and don't give up, Be a fighter not a quitter, you're a survivor not a loser. Things …
Watch! Watch!! Watch!!! Not rated yet
Watch your thoughts
Success is a Journey Not rated yet
I Want a make my own path to walk on it I also want make some my career but I have one problem That problem stop me to go on a way of success
I used to, but now Not rated yet
I used to have a family that cared about me, but now they just think I am a nobody. I used to have many friends that I could trust, but now I only have …
Look Your Best Not rated yet
Look your best each day, Be proud of what you wear, Because when you are everyone will see, Just how very much you care. Looking your best makes …
My School Days Not rated yet
Of this long life that passes away, I will remember these wonderful days, They are most beautiful in every way, Yes, they are my school days! ThoughI …
Things work out Not rated yet
Just because things are not working out the way you expect them to Does not mean they are not working out...
My Prayer for You Not rated yet
Receive God's Word Believe God's Word Profess your sins Confess your sins Preach God's Word Reach God's people Amen
CLIMB THE LADDER Not rated yet
Climb the ladder to success, You're hard work will be worth your while, And when you see what the outcome will bring, You'll have a great big smile. …
Things Not rated yet
If they are there you pay a fortune to fetch them When not within reach you attract them If not existing you create them They are not meant to be followed …
A Poem For Mama Not rated yet
mama.. You scolded me often I hated you As I grow up I started to see your burden eyes through your rough voice I know You are not what you expressed …
When I just brushed HIM aside Not rated yet
I rushed to the temple Knowing it was closing time There a beggar stopped me, may be for alms I brushed him aside as quick with my left arm Well, …
Damaged Tree Not rated yet
You hold my hand and comfort me, while I cry to be set free. I refuse to turn and walk away, here I stand and disobey. While my flesh puts up a …
Click here to write your own.
Success Not rated yet
99.9% of success is failure.
Iyot Tah Not rated yet
The dangerous people are not the ones Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns! The thief won't attack your character traits Or belittle your abilities …
Click here to write your own.
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