Short biography of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Pratik Daga
Short biography of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Pratik Daga
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in a famous
family of Bengal in 1772 A.D. He was a great scholar of Sanskrit,
Persian, and English and knew Arabic, Latin and Greek. He studied Hindu
scriptures like the Vedas, the Upanishadas etc. and books of other
religions. He joined the service of the East India Company in 1805 and
gradually rose to high offices. He died in England in 1833 while he was
pleading the case of pension for the Mughal emperor Akbar-II.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first social
reformer of Modern India and he is rightly called the 'Father of Modern
India'. He had a rational and scientific approach and believed in the
principle of human dignity and social equality. He was a perfect
combination of the East and the West.
He was deeply devoted to the work of
religious and social reform, so he founded the 'Brahmo Samaj* in 1825.
He condemned polytheism and idol worship and propagated the concept of
one God. His religious ideas had assimilated elements of Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism and modern European liberal philosophy. He
translated ancient Indian works on religion and philosophy into Bengali.
He attacked the caste system and
campaigned to persuade the Government to abolish 'Sati' system and child
marriage. He advocated equal rights for women, right of widows to
remarry and right of women to property.
He stood for modern education,
introduction of English education for the propagation of science in
India and modernization of Indian society.
He was internationalist
and supported the cause of freedom everywhere. He celebrated the
success of the 1830 Revolution in France and condemned the Britishers
who were inflicting miseries on Ireland.
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