Your Handwriting and You!
Jotting down an essay, writing a birthday card, taking down school notes or completing a form, handwriting is an integral part of our daily lives. It is on show to others and may even be used to make judgements about us
Writing has a very long history. It began as simple pictographs drawn on a rock, which were then combined to represent ideas and developed into more abstract symbols. Just like our writing today, early symbols were used to store information and communicate it to others.
In recent years, modern technology has dramatically changed the way we communicate through writing.However, despite the increased use of computers for writing, the skill of handwriting remains important in education, employment and in everyday life.In schools, teachers lay emphasis on proper and neat handwriting. Since marks continue to be very important in the scheme of things, parents and teachers insist that students produce a neatly written answer paper so that bad handwriting does not put off the examiner who corrects the paper!
For A Neater, More Legible Handwriting
Following are some measures that you may want to consider for a legible handwriting that will make the teacher happy1. Line Quality:
When we write for long during examination, the written text tends to get fainter, giving it an impression similar to a bad photocopy. Make an effort to maintain the quality of pressure exerted on the pen / pencil to produce sentences which do not become faint at the end.
2. Alignment:
Do your sentences tilt up or down on the page? Be watchful of this and practice balance of wrist and elbow. Tilting of text could also be the signs of physical weakness at the forearm level and/or bad posture. It also wastes paper and promotes a bad handwriting.
3. Slanting Text:
Some students write in a manner that the words slant towards the right or left .Though a balanced slant gives it a calligraphic appearance, over-slanting makes the letter stick too close to each other and hence makes the handwriting seem illegible. Be watchful of the same by rotating the angle of the answer sheet a little towards opposite site to avoid cramped letters.
4. Spacing:
If your letters and words are too close together, they blend into one another. Too far apart and they get lost in space. It is important for students to understand the adequacy of spacing within a paragraph for easy reading. Practicing spacing helps a reader understand the communication intended by the writer and also gives an impression of consistency.
5. Letter Formation:
This rule usually applies to lower case letters, distortion of which is more of a habit than any physical inconsistency. A minor alteration in the formation of letter ‘G’ can cause a spelling error. Be more mindful of such errors. See the example below

So you see, legible writing that can be produced comfortably, at good speed and with little conscious effort, allows a student to communicate and convey thoughts far more effectively and with greater clarity. Handwriting is important when assessments are based on written work, particularly in time-bound written examinations, which is the selection norm for most formal entrance examinations. Without fast and legible handwriting, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under-achieve academically.
Good to know facts about your handwriting
There is a theory that handwriting is deeply personal. We develop our own handwriting styles in concert with the way our brain signals fire in unique patterns that are remarkably different and constant for each person. Handwriting is a primal and unconscious act that can be tough to change . Also known as Graphology, it is a branch of handwriting analysis, defined as the study of handwriting, used to infer a person’s character. Ever wondered why handwriting varies from student to student?Many believe that your handwriting reveals the essentials of your personality and character.
Well to put it simply what we write comes from the conscious mind; How we write comes from the subconscious mind.
Take a look below what the formations of simple letters reveal about you!
Take a look at the info graphic below and decide what your handwriting reveals about you!

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